Las Palmas Pet Clinic
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Your pets health is our highest priority
1232 S. General McMullen
San Antonio, Tx 78237

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Las Palmas Pet Clinic
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Certain Lillies like Daylillies and Tiger Lillies can be highly toxic to cats. Even if a cat just eats the pollen of the plants it can cause severe kidney failure and possible death. 

 Keeping Your Pets Safe From Household Poisons
Poisonous material to pets don't always come with the famous skull and cross bone label
on them that we associate with poison. It's very important to know what toxic plants and 
materials are in the home and outdoors so we can prevent any accidents from happening.

We all love chocolate. Who doesn't? Chocolate can give us a feeling of joy when we eat it thanks to the chemical in it called endorphins. It can also have a chemical called Xylitol which can be very dangerous for dogs even in small amounts.
When we are feeling ill or have health issue we are usually given medication to control or lessen the discomfort. The some medications that make us feel better can have the exact opposite effect on pets. Headache and pain medication can cause serious problems for your pets including death. The only medication your pet should be given should be coming from the veterinarian.
​Every pet can benefit from some time being outside. A park or even a yard can allow a pet to run and exercise and get some much needed activity. When you do have your pet outside be sure to check the area for possible dangers. Open trashcans or garage can be a possible source or toxic materials. Things such as antifreeze, rat bait and lawn chemicals can be quite hazardous. 
Finally, keep the Animal Poison Control number in a handy spot, maybe the fridge or kitchen table. It you think your pet could have gotten into anything poisonous give them a call immediately.   1-888-426-4435